We provide adoption specific services, including preadoption education, adoption home studies, navigating the system, advanced learning opportunities, and coaching for families looking to adopt children through the child welfare system.


Deciding to grow your family through adoption from the foster care system is an exciting choice for families.

Once prospective adoptive parents begin this complicated and intimidating journey, they realize how they may need assistance and support.

We are here to support your journey to grow, blend and heal your family.

You may feel frustrated with the process of adopting a child through the foster care system.

You are having a difficult time getting anyone to call you back after you have chosen a child in which you expressed an interest in adopting.

There is the embarrassment over how your adopted child is behaving at home, in school and/or in the community.

Likely, you have tried everything you can think of to help. Maybe you tried reading self-help books. Maybe you researched the topic online and watched videos on the topic, but nothing has worked.

We want to offer you a new kind of experience— one that is truly welcoming, nonjudgemental and supportive of you.

Family Tyes offers an individualized approach to all our families.

All of the services we provide have a trauma informed perspective.

We offer nationally certified adoption classes you can take on your own time. The classes start when you are ready.

Our adoption home studies completed by educated and supportive staff in a timely manner.

The navigation services are unique and tailored to your needs.

Advanced parenting support through provision of a trauma informed parenting guide offers ongoing support and education for adoptive parents. This includes live coaching and individualized support.

We are with you every step of the way.

Invest in your family!

We focus on three areas:

  1. Growing your family by teaching a preadoption course and completing adoption home studies.

  2. Blending your family by assisting you in navigating the child welfare system when adopting.

  3. Healing your family by providing education on parenting a child who has experienced trauma, as well as ongoing parent coaching.

Collectively, Rochelle and Joi have over 50 years of experience working with children and families involved in the child welfare system and/or adoption arena. This experience enables them to advocate for families and effectively navigate the child welfare system. Working together as Family Tyes, they are providing quality services and extending their knowledge and experience throughout the community.

Everyone has a place here.

We prioritize diversity, honoring the intersection of each person’s unique backgrounds and identities and what that means for them. Everyone is welcome at Family Tyes regardless of age, disability, religious and spiritual beliefs, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin.

You deserve the highest quality of service.

We are committed to your family’s success. Each of us participates in regular continuing education. You should expect the most accurate information and the best support on your adoption journey. We believe you need to be at the center of this process and trust the professionals with whom you are working.

You are not defined by your parenting struggles.

We are equipped to meet you “right where you are” and offer a safe, non-judgmental place to regain direction.  It takes special people to recognize how abuse, neglect and involvement in the foster care system impacts a child. Parenting an adopted child is multi-faceted. 

Look at the services we offer!

Preadoptive parent education tailored to your family.

You can achieve your dream of expanding your family through adoption and this is the first step. Preadoption education from the comfort of your own home and with your schedule in mind.

Adoption Home Studies

Getting an adoption home study without the hassle and runaround is possible—if you work with Family Tyes. Not only is it hassle free, but it can be done on your terms and at your convenience.

Navigating the System

Navigating the child welfare system is a daunting task. It is stressful and emotionally draining. When you work with Family Tyes, you have people to guide you through this process. We provide emotional support and valuable insight.

Trauma Education

Join us as you enter a parenting education digital course focused upon specifically parenting a child of trauma.

Adoptive parent coaching and support

In the past 10 years, we have helped 1000s of families on their adoption journey.

Contact us to schedule your free consultation.